Taking care of your health with osteopathy

Is Osteopathy new?

The modern roots of Osteopathy date back to 1872. Dr A.T.Still, a Physician, believed that the body was created as a perfect, harmonious whole and contained the basics necessary for its own healing. He developed a system for stimulating the immune system naturally. He eliminated the use of addictive and toxic drugs from his practice and considered surgery a last resort as a means of treatment. The first Osteopaths came to Australia in 1908 from the U.S.A.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of health care that focuses on treatment of the physical body, the joints, muscles and connective tissue with ‘hands on’ techniques such as tactile pressure, stretching and manipulation.
This has several applications including:

  •     Treating muscular contractions following periods of immobility.
  •     Increasing the quality and range of motion in joints after muscular and joint strain.
  •     Breaking down scar tissue caused by trauma.

This, in turn, affects the functioning of the whole body via connections with the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Osteopaths also offer you personal advice on stretching and strengthening exercises, posture, diet, lifting procedures and stress management.

Did you know:

  • Nearly one third of the population (6 million Australians) suffer from musculo-skeletal problems, which cause pain or restrict movement?
  • Nine out of ten people suffer back pain at some stage in their lifetime that incapacitates them for one week or more?
  • Osteopaths have been treating Australians for conditions such as: backaches, migraine, tennis elbow and various sporting injuries, since the turn of the century?

What is an Osteopath?

Osteopaths are Government Registered practitioners of manual medicine. In Australia, there are three undergraduate Osteopathic courses. All are five years full-time.

  • RMIT: Bachelor of Osteopathic Science and Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science)
  • Victorian University: Bachelor of Science (Clinical Science) and a Masters of Health Science (Osteo)
  • University of Western Sydney (Macarthur): Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science) and Master of Osteopathy

Who can benefit from Osteopathic treatment?

Osteopathic treatment is most commonly sought for musculo-skeletal problems such as:

  • Postural and/or mobility problems
  • Back and neck pain
  • Arthritis
  • Rozelle Osteopaths | LogoJoint pain
  • Back pain during and after pregnancy
  • Sports injuries
  • Some injuries from road and domestic accidents
  • RSI
  • Head pain such as
  • Migraine
  • Jaw pain
  • Neuralgia and tension
  • Headaches
  • Sciatica